Showalter Group
From Activity to Achievement
Over 100 Next Level Metrics that Matter
You have talked, and I’ve finally listened. Every time I write an article about government relations metrics or even obliquely mention it online, I get a flurry of emails and calls about “my measurement list” and if they can access it. So, I have created a turn-key metrics list that will address one of the top concerns of government relations professionals of all disciplines and levels: what to measure, and how to measure it.
It’s said that organizations measure what they value. If your function isn’t being measured beyond the number of sent emails and PAC receipts, it may not be considered a vital function of your organization. Government relations professionals that fail to measure their results are doomed to second-class organizational status. However, common measurements such as counting the number of legislator contacts, lobbyist meetings and PAC receipts are elementary and can actually de-value your organizational status. My tools will help position you as a strategist who focuses on what matters, instead of what’s easy, to evaluate.
This report contains over 100 internal and external government relations metrics that are result, rather than activity, focused. It also includes a one hour phone consultation with me to review the tools and determine which metrics best fit your strategic goals.
Measurement disciplines include:
- Internal grassroots metrics – Broad based & key contact grassroots behavior, member satisfaction
- Lobbying measurements
- Legislator behavior change
- Legislative brand perception
- ROI – service costs vs. benefits
- Online behavior
- Internal grassroots and PAC customer service measurements
- PAC metrics & candidate support
- Political media benchmarks
- Influence strategy
Remember, if you can’t measure it, you can’t prove it is happening. Get in gear and demonstrate your value by measuring your progress.
“From Activity to Achievement: Over 100 Next Level Metrics that Matter” Includes a one hour teleconference with Amy Showalter.