New! Register Today! Attendance limited to 10 participants! 
Is "improving your communication skills" one of your development goals for 2023? Every time you speak or deliver a presentation, you are auditioning for leadership.  How are your auditions received?  Does your new position require you to deliver presentations to more internal and external audiences?  Are you tired of being "interesting" and want to be inspirational and persuasive on the platform?
If you answered "yes" to any questions above, you need to join Amy in Washington, D.C. on May 10 for her popular "Persuasive Presentation Skills for Government Affairs Staff" workshop.
Register soon, we intentionally limit attendance to 10 people to allow for customized instruction and learning.

Has your PAC or grassroots program plateaued, and needs to be reinvigorated?

Do you have “support” for your government relations work but still experience entrenched internal opposition to your PAC and grassroots involvement efforts?

Are your stakeholders (or are you) experiencing issue fatigue?

Do your volunteers respond less frequently to calls to action on issues that clearly impact them?

Do you conduct grassroots or PAC training workshops but fail to see measurable results?

“I believe it’s important to consistently assess the attitudes of our contributors and non- contributors so that we can adjust our messaging accordingly. We have collaborated with Amy and Dr. Rhoads for years because their approach works! It’s not generic research, but highly collaborative and customized. Our PAC has consistently grown despite the ups and downs of the global economy and industry conditions.”

Meaghan Joyce

Senior Manager, Political and Advocacy Strategy , International Paper

“Amy Showalter has pioneered the application of scientific influence principles to the political involvement profession. She is the only person who grounds her work in an evidence-based behavioral science approach. This allows government relations professionals to stop guessing about what resonates with their target audiences and stakeholders, deliver messages that cut through the clutter of today’s noisy environment, and reach their advocacy goals faster.

Amy accomplishes this for her clients while being an absolute delight to work with. Her energy, inquisitiveness, innovative mindset, and passion for helping others succeed is infectious. She is an unparalleled collaborator whose dedication to those she works with, and the profession more broadly, shines through in everything she does.

Run, do not walk, to the opportunity to work with Amy Showalter!”

Tommy Goodwin

Vice-Presidents Government Affairs Exhibitions & Conferences, Alliance

All of our clients have experienced one or more of these challenges, and we collaborated to turn them into opportunities. As you can see from our client list, we have a diverse client base. All of them share the following characteristics:

Long-Term Culture Change – Our clients know that creating allegiance to their cause requires more than “quick fix” solutions and clever slogans. They understand this is a long-term process and are willing to do the homework and make the investment to succeed. Over 85% of our long-term clients experience an increase in their budget, human resources, and senior management recognition during and after our collaborations.

Evidence-Based Approach – They want to test assumptions about their internal and external grassroots and PAC influence challenges. Our extensive collection of proprietary research, as well as numerous primary client research projects, provides certainty as new initiatives are launched.

Accountability – There is a willingness to be accountable and show the ROI for the government relations function and grassroots and / or PAC work in particular.

Focus on Excellence – These organizations are willing to examine what is working, as well as what’s not working, to improve their results. They are comfortable being challenged and (temporarily) uncomfortable.

Results-Oriented – They know that action does not equal results — it’s about the end result, not just “doing more stuff.”

Amyism #86


“Despite declarations to the contrary, no dramatic PAC or advocacy program transformation happens with one tactic.. When building an influential advocacy program or large PAC, there is no single event, no grand video, no solitary viral tweet, no “killer app,” no single meeting that transforms your program.. Rather, it occurs through consistent thinking, testing and honest evaluation.. That consistency produces momentum that leads to transformation.”

Amyism #63

PAC Objections

“There are no new PAC objections known to mankind. the crime is not in the objection, but in us not being prepared to rebut them.”

Amyism #49

Grassroots Effectiveness

“When you meet with your legislators, do they congratulate you for your grassroots prowess, or do they admonish you to develop your grassroots prowess? Listen to what they save, as well as what they say don’t say to determine your true grassroots effectiveness.”

Amyism #21

Volunteer Recognition

“Who y ou spend time with speaks volumes about who you value. Show me a grassroots or PAC leader who slights his volunteers in publis and I’ll start drawing white chalk lnes around that program.”

Amyism #30

Grassroots Volunteer Satisfaction

“One of the keys to keeping good volunteers is to improve your services for those who are using them, instead of worrying about who isn’t using them. find out what makes your active participants stay with your program and do more of it.”

Amyism # 52


“Before you can motivate others, you must be consumed with the cause yourself. Before you can move them to action, you must be inspired. to convicnec them, you’ve got to believe.”

Amyism #8

Grassroots Culture

“Show me the pictures in your department’s offices and I will tell you whether you truly have a grassroots culture.”

Amyism #62

Grassroots Tactics

“You can have the best advocacy plan for your grassroots volunteers, but if they aren’t persuaded that they need to get off their computers and in front of their legislators, it doesn’t matter. Do your volunteers know why face-to-face contact with opinion leaders and legistlators is the platinum standard of persuasion?”

Amyism #24

Grassroots Program Strategy

“There are no accidents. Behind every bad result there is a worse strategy (or none at all).”

Amyism #58

Social Media vs. Social Capitol

“Despite the fascination with social networks, they arent a secret grassroots weapon. The groups that have social capital among their members will have the edge. That was the case prior to onine networks, and its true today. In a world of hyper-abundant social networks, social capitol is the “killer app”.”

Get In Touch

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The Showalter Group, Inc.
4030 Smith Road
Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45209



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