Amyism #86

Consistency “Despite declarations to the contrary, no dramatic PAC or advocacy program transformation happens with one tactic.. When building an influential advocacy program or large PAC, there is no single event, no grand video, no solitary viral tweet, no...

Amyism #4

Grassroots Results “If you want to have something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never...

Amyism #75

Empowering PAC Recruiters “Your PAC recruiters are asking people for personal money, for a political cause, with no immediate results. That’s why they must become proficient persuaders and master motivators. You can’t achieve that by giving them a...

Amyism #36

Government Relations Value “When you relentlessly tout only what your new technology does instead of your insights and strategies, you instantly and unwittingly devalue your contributions to your...

Amyism #39

Recognition “The notion of relying solely on scheduled formal recognition is flawed and leads to missed opporutnities to increase grassroots and PAD productivity. It is more important what you do 365 days a year in the informal recognition moments, rather than...

Amyism #63

PAC Objections “There are no new PAC objections known to mankind. the crime is not in the objection, but in us not being prepared to rebut them.”